A history of excellence
sculpting the future
Bianco CAve

80 years in the extraction
and processing chain
of Italian limestone.

Eighty years of experience, four generations of stone producers, seven extraction basins, and
two plants for the processing and transformation of the finest Italian limestone:

The wide typological and chromatic range of our raw materials and the innovative concept of our operational approach is the final result of the strategic and industrial efforts of our management, also thanks to the great attention focused on the latest extraction technologies and our Research & Development Department focused on the constant development and control of the excellence of our products.
From our quarries – day after day – renewing the most ancient tradition of the Salento region – large blocks of stone are extracted, thanks to the professionalism of our team of excavator specialists, supported by the most modern equipment: all the extracted materials are transformed and processed to create unique examples of design, construction or interior design, satisfying the most architectural needs sophisticated.

Our services

Bianco Cave supports its customers with specialised consultancy services aimed at:

give all information about the best application of each type of stone, with reference to the specific project.

support architects or end customers with all useful tips for the best conservation of the chosen material.

provide design services.

define the best standards of specialised customer care, even after the project has been defined. In addition, our experts support architects, designers and artists who choose Bianco Cave as their partner.